May 22, 2011

Cabinet52 a new space in Zurich for temporary installations in the field of design, fashion and accessories. Jeroen van Rooijen “Zerlegt” classics of fashion and this in the truest sense of the word: with knife and scissors and the Bernina „Auftrennerli“, he cut the clothes, to analyse their story and check the processing. The concept is to ask the question of sustainability and rational production, to find out something about the origin, trade and production routes of each piece. Last Thursday, a shirt from the brand Rapha has been „Zerlegt“. The nice Thing is, that the arrangements of the cutted individual parts, photographed by Patrick Rohner, get a new life as aesthetic Pictures. From the series in the NZZ Folio, the best 44 projects are collected in the book “Zerlegt”.

NZZ libro