PETER MÜLLER garments go with anything, and their prints and accessories are fab. They insist on handcrafting everything in Switzerland, which I really applaud.
After trying everything in their Basel workshop and buying a shawl, I had a chat with the label’s partners.
LM: So, tell me about this PETER MÜLLER guy.
PM: Well, it’s not a ‘he’, and it’s actually two people: PETER MÜLLER is the design duo Cornelia PETER and Nicole MÜLLER.
LM: What makes PETER MÜLLER stand out from the crowd?
PM: PETER MÜLLER fashion is very wearable, timeless yet contemporary.
LM: Your names go well together – who does what in your partnership?
PM: Both do everything, and everything is done by both!
LM: What does PETER MÜLLER dream of?
PM: Beautiful fabrics, sultry summer evenings, soft pillows…