May 23, 2011

First moves towards an unstoppable summer with my new indiana – other rides but same feeling: riding september

May 22, 2011

Cabinet52 a new space in Zurich for temporary installations in the field of design, fashion and accessories. Jeroen van Rooijen “Zerlegt” classics of fashion and this in the truest sense of the word: with knife and scissors and the Bernina „Auftrennerli“, he cut the clothes, to analyse their story and check the processing. The concept is to ask the question of sustainability and rational production, to find out something about the origin, trade and production routes of each piece. Last Thursday, a shirt from the brand Rapha has been „Zerlegt“. The nice Thing is, that the arrangements of the cutted individual parts, photographed by Patrick Rohner, get a new life as aesthetic Pictures. From the series in the NZZ Folio, the best 44 projects are collected in the book “Zerlegt”.

NZZ libro

May 6, 2011

What an adventurous Project: This Spring Tomas Oschwald will attempt to paddle from his home in Mollis, Switzerland to the Atlantic Ocean – and back. 5000 km in total! The route which he chose, allows him to paddle the full tour on his SUP without leaving the water (exception: watergates, embankments, sleeping and getting food)…
As a photographer, Thomas will realize an impressive documentation of his trip: with self created equipment such as remote controlled tripods and a cable-car tracking system, he will shoot fascinating pictures, which can be followed live on the internet www.surfline.ch

April 22, 2011

After a long day strolling through Ventura Lambrate, a new Salone Milano Design Area, there is nothing better than a sign promising “fresh pies + coffee + hot butt”. The adorable Public Pie Team from the Netherlands was baking pies and filled the air with a wonderful smell of apples baking. The concept is simple and clever: their mobile bakery consists of a wooden bench on a Furnace. While the little apple tarts bake in the oven the customers sit on the wooden bench which is warm from the heat of the furnaces. Delicious.

April 11, 2011
March 23, 2011

ilmia is soon available at magazin.com! For this great event Christian Gafner invented the unibody-box ®. An innovative box with 30% less material thus they are 30% smaller than the old boxes. The concept is so clever that there is no need of adhesives. The sides are sloping thereby more stackable and tangible and at the same time extremely robust. There is no more need for extra wrapping paper because the shoes lay in separate chambers. These cool boxes are produced in Switzerland, precisely in Scheuren (in the middle of nowhere) by Glanzmann AG.

March 13, 2011

The swiss based karpet team is traveling all over Kirgistan to find these beautiful handmade felt carpets called Shyrdaks. After a thousand-year-old tradition they are created by nomadic women and fascinate with its unique beauty and tactile sense. The symbols and colors tell the story of the Origin of each Shyrdak and characterizes the personal style of the creator. A carpet is produced by the entire community during a whole year. From manufacturing the single thread through cutting the ornaments, every detail is handmade.
Karpet invites you to the finissage of their exhibition at Pfistergassoptik in Lucern. Thursday 17th march, Pfistergasse 29 from 18-22.


January 28, 2011

Wohnrevue is a swiss design and interior magazine founded 23 years ago. I’m proud to say that there is an article about the project “zumznacht” on page 50-53! This january issue is the first in the new designed layout. I like! Check out the online version there are always good tips and interesting articles.


January 27, 2011

I saw this chair designed by Harry Thaler in Cologne. It is is a light, stackable metal chair stamped out of a 2.5 mm aluminium sheet. I like the idea of a piece out of one single material without any joints or connectors. Furthermore the manufacturing produces no waste material and is 100% recyclable.


January 23, 2011

The Designers Fair gives young, independent designers the chance to showcase their work during the international Furnishing Show in Cologne. It’s also part of the Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne that was established 20 years ago. During this week innovative interior design ideas are presented in specially selected showrooms, galleries and other unusual locations across the city.
